电视明星Katie Price停止在网络上分享孩子的照片, TV star Katie Price stops sharing photos of her kids online to protect them from negativity.
凯蒂·普莱斯(英国电视名人)已停止在社交媒体上张贴她最小的孩子杰特(11岁)和邦妮(10岁)的照片。 Katie Price, a British TV personality, has stopped posting pictures of her youngest children Jett, 11, and Bunny, 10, on social media. 她希望保护他们免受网络上的负面反应, 确保他们在不经常公开曝光的情况下, 发展自己的身份。 She wants to protect them from online negativity and ensure they develop their own identities without constant public exposure. Price以在网络上分享她的生活而著称, 她解释她关于播客的决定, Price, known for sharing her life online, explained her decision on a podcast, highlighting concerns about the impact of social media on children.