一辆福特 Escape 在爱荷华州格兰维尔附近坠毁并翻滚,造成 7 名乘客受伤。 Seven passengers were injured when a Ford Escape crashed and rolled near Granville, Iowa.
12 月 8 日晚上 11 点 09 分,一辆 2001 年福特 Escape 的七名乘客在爱荷华州格兰维尔附近发生车祸中受伤。在司机 Wuilder Montoya 未能在停车标志处停车后,车辆驶入农田时,三名乘客被弹出。 Seven passengers in a 2001 Ford Escape were injured in a crash near Granville, Iowa, on December 8 at 11:09 p.m. Three passengers were ejected as the vehicle rolled into a farm field after the driver, Wuilder Montoya, failed to stop at a stop sign. 蒙托亚收到了四次传票,车辆被报废。 Montoya received four citations, and the vehicle was totaled. 四名乘客受重伤,三名受轻伤。 Four passengers suffered serious injuries, while three had minor injuries. 事故发生时天气晴朗,道路干燥。 The weather was clear, and the road was dry at the time of the accident.