警方在苏格兰Wishaw调查53岁的James McMaster的可疑死因, Police investigate suspicious death of 53-year-old James McMaster in Wishaw, Scotland, seeking public help.
警方正在调查53岁的James McMaster在苏格兰Wishaw的可疑死亡事件。 Police are investigating the suspicious death of 53-year-old James McMaster in Wishaw, Scotland, after a post-mortem indicated signs of assault. 他于 12 月 5 日被发现死亡,当局正在审查闭路电视录像并进行挨家挨户的调查。 Found dead on December 5, authorities are reviewing CCTV footage and conducting door-to-door inquiries. 侦探总探长Bob Williamson敦促任何有James最后行动消息的人, 以12月5日第1788号事件为例, 于101点与苏格兰警方联系。 Detective Chief Inspector Bob Williamson urges anyone with information about James’s last movements to contact Police Scotland at 101, quoting incident number 1788 of December 5.