Derry警察局于12月9日逮捕了两名男子, Police in Derry arrested two men for drug and alcohol-impaired driving on December 9.
北爱尔兰Derry警察局于12月9日逮捕了两名驾车犯。 Police in Derry, Northern Ireland, arrested two men for driving offenses on December 9. 第一次逮捕是在下午9时,在路边的药物测试表明驾驶不合适之后被捕的;该男子后来获得保释。 The first arrest was made at 9 PM after a roadside drug test indicated unfit driving; the man was later released on bail. 下午11时15分,另一名男子因在酒精影响下驾车而被捕,同时被取消资格。 At 11:15 PM, another man was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and while disqualified. 警察强调,他们致力于通过持续开展的行动来保障道路安全。 Police emphasized their commitment to road safety through ongoing operations.