新西兰劳工领袖支持国会议员的说法,即卫生主任操纵财务来掩盖赤字。 New Zealand Labour leader backs MP's claim that health chief manipulated finances to hide deficits.
新西兰工党领袖Chris Hipkins支持议员Ayesha Verrall指控NZ卫生专员Lester Levy操纵财务记录, New Zealand Labour Party leader Chris Hipkins supports his MP Ayesha Verrall's accusation that Health NZ Commissioner Lester Levy manipulated financial records by moving costs between years to alter deficit appearances. Verrall在议会特权下提出诉求,尽管Levy呼吁道歉,Hipkins仍为她的评论辩护。 Verrall made the claim under parliamentary privilege, and Hipkins has defended her comments despite calls for an apology from Levy. 审计长表示,这种做法是不可接受的。 The Auditor-General has stated that such practices are unacceptable.