新泽西州州长签署法律,禁止在公共和学校图书馆禁止图书,保护有争议的产权。 New Jersey governor signs law banning book bans in public and school libraries, protecting controversial titles.
新泽西州州长菲尔·墨菲签署了一项法律,禁止公共图书馆和学校图书馆禁止图书,保护图书管理员免受法律指控。 New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed a law prohibiting public and school libraries from banning books, protecting librarians from legal charges. 法律禁止排除基于出身、背景或观点的书籍,但允许限制不适龄的内容。 The law bars excluding books based on origin, background, or viewpoints, but allows restrictions for age-inappropriate content. 新泽西州与伊利诺伊州和明尼苏达州一起禁止禁止书籍禁令, New Jersey joins Illinois and Minnesota in banning book bans, amid a surge in challenges to books with LGBTQ+ and racial themes.