Netflix 在圣诞节当天播放 NFL 比赛,包括酋长队对阵钢人队和乌鸦队对阵德州人队。 Netflix streams NFL games on Christmas Day, featuring the Chiefs vs. Steelers and Ravens vs. Texans.
在圣诞节当天, Netflix将推出两场NFL现场比赛:堪萨斯市首赛与匹兹堡钢铁手比赛1 PM ET, 巴尔的摩Ravens与休斯顿德克萨斯比赛4:30 PM ET。 On Christmas Day, Netflix will stream two live NFL games: the Kansas City Chiefs vs. Pittsburgh Steelers at 1 PM ET and the Baltimore Ravens vs. Houston Texans at 4:30 PM ET. 由Kay Adams与分析师在11 AM ET上主持的一个现场预演开始。 A live pre-show hosted by Kay Adams and analysts starts at 11 AM ET. 所有Netflix用户都可以使用这些游戏,在现场活动期间有商业休息时间,在播报后免费计划将取消这些时间。 The games are available to all Netflix subscribers, with commercial breaks during live events, which will be removed for ad-free plans post-broadcast. 国际观众可以法语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语和德语收看。 International viewers can watch in French, Spanish, Portuguese, and German. 包括一场拳击比赛和即将播出的WWWE Monday Night Raw节目。 This event is part of Netflix's growing live programming, including a boxing match and upcoming WWE Monday Night Raw broadcasts.