印度的一位议员试图对被认为有偏见的穆斯林习俗言论弹劾一名高等法院法官。 An MP in India seeks to impeach a high court judge over remarks deemed biased against Muslim practices.
A & K National Conference MP正带头对Allahabad高等法院法官Shekhar Kumar Yadav在VHP活动上的发言进行弹劾。 A J&K National Conference MP is leading an effort to impeach Allahabad High Court judge Shekhar Kumar Yadav over remarks made at a VHP event. 议员Aga Syed Ruhullah Mehdi需要100个签名才能在议会提出弹劾动议。 The MP, Aga Syed Ruhullah Mehdi, needs 100 signatures to move the impeachment motion in Parliament. Yadav的评论包括支持《统一民法典》和批评某些穆斯林做法,这些评论被认为反映了偏见,破坏了司法公正性。 Yadav's comments, which included support for the Uniform Civil Code and criticism of certain Muslim practices, are seen as reflecting bias and undermining judicial impartiality. 迄今为止,该动议得到了来自不同政党的7名议员的支持。 So far, the motion has the support of seven MPs from different parties.