印度副主席以缺乏证据为由,驳回对副总统的不信任动议。 Indian Deputy Chairman dismisses no-confidence motion against Vice President, citing lack of evidence.
Rajya Sabha副主席Harivansh驳回了由反对派牵头的旨在推翻副总统贾格迪普·丹哈尔的不信任动议。 The Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman, Harivansh, dismissed an opposition-led no-confidence motion aimed at removing Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar. 该动议由60名反对派成员签署,指责Dhankhar持有偏见,破坏宪法机构。 The motion, signed by 60 opposition members, accused Dhankhar of bias and damaging constitutional institutions. Harivansh裁定动议不当,缺乏事实,旨在玷污Dhankhar的声誉。 Harivansh ruled the motion improper, lacking facts, and aimed at tarnishing Dhankhar's reputation. 反对派对此提出异议,声称裁决歪曲了事实。 The opposition disputed this, claiming the ruling misrepresents facts.