由于代币生成问题, 像Outlook和Teams这样的Microsoft 365应用程序无法运行, Microsoft 365 apps like Outlook and Teams are down due to a token generation issue, affecting U.S. users.
微软365正在经历大规模停电, 影响Outlook、Teams、OneDrive等应用程序, 影响美国各地用户, 特别是东海岸用户。 Microsoft 365 is experiencing a widespread outage affecting apps like Outlook, Teams, and OneDrive, impacting users across the U.S., particularly on the East Coast. 微软正在解决这个问题, 预计需要两小时左右的时间. The issue stems from a token generation problem, and Microsoft is working on a fix expected to take about two hours. 建议用户将桌面应用程序作为一种变通办法使用。 Users are advised to use desktop applications as a workaround. 这是两周内第二次大停电。 This is the second major outage in two weeks.