微软服务,包括Outlook、Teams和365服务,由于记忆管理问题,于9月30日全美国出现停业。 Microsoft services, including Outlook, Teams, and 365, experienced a US-wide outage on September 30th due to a memory management issue.
9月30日,包括Outlook,Teams和365在内的微软服务因潜在的内存管理问题而面临影响美国各地用户的中断. On September 30th, Microsoft services, including Outlook, Teams, and 365, faced an outage affecting users across the U.S. due to a potential memory management issue. 纽约、明尼阿波利斯和洛杉矶等大城市报告发生中断。 Major cities like New York, Minneapolis, and Los Angeles reported disruptions. 此次中断是在 9 月 12 日与第三方 ISP 相关的类似事件之后发生的。 This outage follows a similar incident on September 12th related to a third-party ISP. 微软公司正在调查这些问题,这些问题也影响到全球的用户,尚未提供解决问题的时间表。 Microsoft is investigating the problems, which have also impacted users globally, and has not yet provided a resolution timeline.