Google的AI,Gemini, 准备与三星银河应用软件整合, 如通过Android 16的时钟和笔记。 Google's AI, Gemini, set to integrate with Samsung Galaxy apps like Clock and Notes via Android 16.
Google的AI助理Gemini(Gemini)准备在银河设备上与三星的库存应用程序如时钟、笔记、提醒和日历等紧密结合。 Google's AI assistant, Gemini, is poised to integrate deeply with Samsung's stock apps like Clock, Notes, Reminders, and Calendar on Galaxy devices. 在Android 16 App函数的推动下,这种整合可以让用户通过Gemini管理警报、笔记、任务和事件。 This integration, facilitated by Android 16's App Functions, could let users manage alarms, notes, tasks, and events through Gemini. 虽然这些特点很有希望,但它们取决于Android 16的最后释放情况,而且可能尚未完全提供。 While these features are promising, they are contingent on the final release of Android 16 and may not be fully available yet.