Google的AI助理Gemini可能根据贝塔应用程序的发现 被并入Android Auto(Android Auto)公司。 Google's AI assistant Gemini may be integrated into Android Auto based on beta app findings.
Google的AI助理Gemini(Gemini)很快会融入Android Auto(Android Auto), Google's AI assistant, Gemini, may soon be integrated into Android Auto, as indicated by findings in the latest beta version of the app. 证据包括与人工智能相关的闪光图标以及"kitt"和"live"的引用, Evidence includes a sparkle icon linked to AI and references to "kitt" and "live," suggesting conversational capabilities. 如果实施,用户可在驾驶时与Gemini互动询问和建议。 If implemented, users could interact with Gemini for queries and recommendations while driving. 然而,关于正式释放的细节和特征仍然不清楚。 However, details on the official release and features remain unclear.