前劳伦斯市长的参谋长承认对儿童色情制品的指控有罪,面临长达20年的监禁。 Former Lawrence Mayor's chief of staff pleads guilty to child porn charges, faces up to 20 years in prison.
劳伦斯市长前参谋长Jhovanny Martes-Rosario对运输和持有儿童性虐待材料认罪。 Jhovanny Martes-Rosario, the former chief of staff to the Mayor of Lawrence, has pleaded guilty to transporting and possessing child sexual abuse material. 这名50岁少年在联邦法院接受了指控,定于2025年3月10日判刑,刑期可达20年,每件指控罚款250 000美元。 The 50-year-old admitted to the charges in federal court and is scheduled for sentencing on March 10, 2025, facing up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine for each charge. 当局在从家中没收的iPad上发现了儿童色情制品,并将其与电子邮件账户联系起来。 Authorities found child pornography on an iPad seized from his home and linked it to his email accounts. Martes-Rosario供认16年来下载了这些材料。 Martes-Rosario confessed to downloading the material over 16 years.