29 岁的宾夕法尼亚州男子 Shane Lopez 因剥削儿童和逃离戒毒所被判处 22 年监禁。 29-year-old Shane Lopez from Pennsylvania was sentenced to 22 years in prison for child exploitation and escape from rehab.
29 岁的宾夕法尼亚州男子 Shane Lopez 因性剥削儿童和越狱被判处 22 年监禁。 29-year-old Shane Lopez from Pennsylvania has been sentenced to 22 years in prison for sexual exploitation of children and escape. 2020 年 11 月,他在因贩毒服刑期间从康复中心越狱,被发现身上藏有 1,000 多张儿童色情图片和视频。 He was discovered with over 1,000 child pornography images and videos after escaping from a rehab facility in November 2020 while serving a drug trafficking sentence. 获释后,他将在“安全童年项目”的倡议下接受五年的监督释放。 Upon release, he will serve five years of supervised release under the Project Safe Childhood initiative.