Eq8 资本在马来西亚发起世界上第一个宗教基金ETF,在慈善和投资者之间分享利润。 Eq8 Capital launches world's first Waqf ETF in Malaysia, splitting profits between charity and investors.
马来西亚Kenanga投资集团的一部分Eq8资本在马来西亚股票交易所上推出了世界上第一个 Waqf特色ETF. Eq8 Capital, part of Kenanga Investors Group in Malaysia, has launched the world's first Waqf-featured ETF on the Bursa Malaysia. 马来西亚富时证券增长红利 Waqf ETF 旨在将其年收入的一半作为 Waqf 资产用于慈善事业,另一半用于投资者. The Eq8 FTSE Malaysia Enhanced Dividend Waqf ETF aims to distribute half of its annual income as Waqf assets for charitable causes and the other half to investors. 这符合马来西亚政府的倡议,即加强宗教机构和私营部门之间的合作,为教育和保健等社会项目提供资金。 This aligns with the Malaysian government's initiative to boost collaboration among religious bodies and the private sector for funding social projects like education and healthcare.