能源转移公司批准27亿美元的天然气管道项目, Energy Transfer LP greenlights $2.7B natural gas pipeline project from Permian Basin to Texas.
能源转移LP为Hugh Brinson管道批准了一个27亿美元的项目,这是一条从佩尔米安盆地到得克萨斯州400英里的天然气管道。 Energy Transfer LP has approved a $2.7 billion project for the Hugh Brinson Pipeline, a 400-mile natural gas pipeline from the Permian Basin to Texas. 最初称为 " 勇士 " 的输油管将分两个阶段运作,第一阶段的目标是在2026年底前完成,达到每天15亿立方英尺的容量。 The pipeline, initially called Warrior, will operate in two phases, with the first phase aiming to be completed by the end of 2026 and reaching a capacity of 1.5 billion cubic feet per day. 该项目支持不断增长的天然气需求,并加强了该公司的现金流动。 The project supports growing natural gas demand and strengthens the company's cash flow.