达美乐英国公司面临 300 万英镑的成本上涨,但计划到 2033 年扩展到 2,000 家门店。 Domino's UK faces a £3 million cost hike but plans to expand to 2,000 stores by 2033.
由于最近的英国预算措施,英国的 Domino's Pizza Group 每年面临 300 万英镑的成本增加,但已宣布与特许经营合作伙伴一起制定新的五年增长计划。 Domino's Pizza Group in the UK faces a £3 million annual cost increase due to recent UK Budget measures but has announced a new five-year growth plan with franchise partners. 该计划的目标是到 2028 年增加到 1,600 家门店,到 2033 年增加到 2,000 家门店,并增加对技术和网络安全的投资。 The plan aims to grow to 1,600 stores by 2028 and 2,000 stores by 2033, with increased investments in technology and cybersecurity. 尽管成本受到打击,但该公司报告称,在第四季度的前 9 周,订单量增长了 5.3%,同比销售额增长了 2.7%。 Despite the cost hit, the company reported a 5.3% increase in orders and a 2.7% rise in like-for-like sales in the first nine weeks of the fourth quarter.