达美乐计划到 2028 年将英国门店扩展到 1,600 家,目标是 20 亿英镑的销售额。 Domino's plans to expand to 1,600 UK stores by 2028, targeting £2 billion in sales.
达美乐披萨集团计划到 2028 年扩展到 1,600 家门店,到 2033 年扩展到 2,000 家门店,目标分别是 20 亿英镑和 25 亿英镑的销售额,尽管由于英国预算措施,每年的成本增加 300 万英镑。 Domino's Pizza Group plans to expand to 1,600 stores by 2028 and 2,000 stores by 2033, aiming for £2 billion and £2.5 billion in sales respectively, despite facing a £3 million annual cost increase due to UK Budget measures. 该公司与加盟商签订了一项新的五年协议,并在技术和安全性方面进行了更多投资。 The company has a new five-year agreement with franchisees and is investing more in technology and security. 尽管面临挑战,但销售额继续增长,最近几个月的总订单量增长了 5.3%。 Despite challenges, sales continue to grow, with total orders up 5.3% in recent months. 分析师对该公司的增长潜力持积极态度。 Analysts view the company's growth potential positively.