一家英国花园连锁店Dobbies在经过法院批准的改组后关闭了12家商店。 Dobbies, a UK garden chain, closes 12 stores following court-approved restructuring.
联合王国花园中心连锁店Dobbies在其改组计划经苏格兰法院批准后,正在关闭12家商店。 Dobbies, a UK garden centre chain, is closing 12 stores after its restructuring plan was approved by a Scottish court. 十家商店将因损失而终止租约,另外两家将由其他经营者接管。 Ten stores will end their leases due to losses, while two will be taken over by other operators. 该公司最初计划关闭17家商店,但现在将侧重于实现财务稳定和吸引未来投资。 The company initially planned to close 17 stores but will now focus on becoming financially stable and attracting future investments.