CBSA报告说,2024年加拿大全国缉获的毒品和武器大幅增加。 CBSA reports significant increases in seized drugs and weapons across Canada in 2024.
加拿大边境事务局报告说,从2024年1月至10月,加拿大各地缉获的毒品、火器和被盗车辆大幅增加。 The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) reported a significant rise in seizures of drugs, firearms, and stolen vehicles across Canada from January to October 2024. 在全国,他们缴获了25 600公斤以上的非法毒品,缴获了7 700件武器。 Nationally, they seized over 25,600 kg of illegal drugs and made 7,700 weapons seizures. 区域报告着重指出,大西洋区域缉获了1 500公斤可卡因和513公斤大麻,安大略省南部缉获了3 000件武器和4吨毒品。 Regional reports highlight seizures of 1,500 kg of cocaine and 513 kg of cannabis in the Atlantic region, and 3,000 weapons and 4 tonnes of drugs in Southern Ontario. 加拿大边境事务局与其他机构的合作在防止有害商品和个人进入该国方面发挥了关键作用。 The CBSA's collaboration with other agencies has been key in preventing harmful goods and individuals from entering the country.