特朗普总统承诺在美国“拯救 TikTok”,但他的计划细节尚不清楚。 President Trump pledges to "save TikTok" in the U.S., but details of his plan are unclear.
特朗普总统承诺“拯救 TikTok”,但如何实现这一目标的细节尚不清楚。 President Trump promised to "save TikTok," but details on how this will be achieved are unclear. 由于对用户数据隐私的国家安全担忧,TikTok 可能面临禁令或销售。 TikTok faces potential bans or sales due to national security concerns over user data privacy. 特朗普的干预可能会阻止禁令,并允许该应用程序继续在美国运行,尽管他的计划的具体细节仍然模糊不清。 Trump's intervention could prevent a ban and allow the app to continue operating in the U.S., though the specifics of his plan remain vague.