Ahold Delhaize USA 和 Campbell's 启动了一项为期 3 年的计划,以减少 1,000 英亩马铃薯种植的排放。 Ahold Delhaize USA and Campbell's launch a 3-year program to reduce emissions in potato farming across 1,000 acres.
Ahold Delhaize USA和Campbell公司启动了一个为期三年的试点方案,以减少土豆种植产生的温室气体排放。 Ahold Delhaize USA and Campbell's Company have launched a three-year pilot program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from potato farming. 该倡议覆盖北卡罗来纳州、纽约和密歇根州三个农场的1 000英亩土地,将使用覆盖作物种植和可再生能源等再生耕作技术,以提高土壤健康和减少碳排放。 The initiative, covering 1,000 acres across three farms in North Carolina, New York, and Michigan, will use regenerative farming techniques like cover cropping and renewable energy to enhance soil health and decrease carbon emissions. 土豆将被用于Ketle Brand薯片、Cape Cod薯片以及Ahold Delhaize美国商店出售的Campbell汤。 The potatoes will be used in Kettle Brand chips, Cape Cod chips, and Campbell's soups sold in Ahold Delhaize USA stores.