威斯康辛州快餐连锁店 包括麦当劳和汉堡王 在汉堡中使用奶酪 但食品药品管理局并不认为是真实的 Wisconsin fast-food chains, including McDonald's and Burger King, use cheese in burgers that's not considered real by the FDA.
威斯康辛的四个流行快餐连锁店, 包括麦当劳、汉堡王和奶牛女王, 正在他们的芝士汉堡中使用奶酪, Four popular fast-food chains in Wisconsin, including McDonald's, Burger King, and Dairy Queen, are using cheese in their cheeseburgers that is not considered real cheese by the FDA. McDonald's and Burger King使用美国加工奶酪, 而乳酪皇后使用一种只有51%真实的奶酪, 而其余的都是填充者。 McDonald's and Burger King use processed American cheese, while Dairy Queen uses a cheese that is only 51% real, with the rest being fillers. 这引起了对顾客实际上吃什么的担忧。 This has raised concerns about what customers are actually eating.