七次F1冠军刘易斯·汉密尔顿 十年后离开奔驰 Seven-time Formula One champion Lewis Hamilton leaves Mercedes after a decade.
路易斯·汉密尔顿在阿布扎比大奖赛的最后一场赛事后离开了奔驰,标志着他与球队的时间结束。 Lewis Hamilton has left Mercedes after his final race in the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, marking the end of his time with the team. 汉密尔顿(Hamilton)是七次F1世界冠军, 自2013年起驾车前往奔驰, Hamilton, a seven-time Formula One world champion, drove for Mercedes since 2013, winning multiple titles with the team. 在长达十年的伙伴关系之后,他离开了奔驰,这被视为 " 公式一 " 中的重大转变。 His departure from Mercedes after a decade-long partnership is seen as a significant shift in Formula One.