刘易斯·汉密尔顿在以奔驰结束12年任期后前往法拉利时,将面临情绪紧张。 Lewis Hamilton faces emotional strain as he ends his 12-year tenure with Mercedes before moving to Ferrari.
刘易斯·汉密尔顿(Lewis Hamilton),一位七次的公式1世界冠军, 正在面临他最艰难的赛季, 他准备在2025年离开奔驰前往法拉利。 Lewis Hamilton, a seven-time Formula 1 world champion, is facing his toughest season as he prepares to leave Mercedes for Ferrari in 2025. 汉密尔顿承认情绪紧张非常严重,他与奔驰的关系在宣布离开后变得紧张。 Hamilton admitted the emotional strain has been significant, with his relationship with Mercedes becoming tense after he announced his departure. 汉密尔顿赞扬他在12年任期内与奔驰建立了牢固的关系, 最后于本周末在阿布扎比参加最后一场比赛。 Despite facing performance challenges and trailing teammate George Russell, Hamilton praised the strong relationships built over his 12-year tenure with Mercedes, ending with his final race this weekend in Abu Dhabi.