Atre Dames重新开放, Jill Biden 和 Trump 交谈, 令人惊讶和有趣的社交媒体用户。 At Notre Dame's reopening, Jill Biden and Trump chatted, surprising and intriguing social media users.
在巴黎圣母院的重新开放式上,即将离任的第一夫人吉尔·拜登和当选总统唐纳德·特朗普进行了友好的对话,这让许多人感到惊,并在社交媒体上传播. At the reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, outgoing First Lady Jill Biden and President-elect Donald Trump shared a friendly conversation, which surprised many and went viral on social media. 尽管拜登家庭与特朗普家庭之间存在政治分歧,但这种互动引发了对拜登家庭与特朗普家庭关系潜在融化的猜测。 The interaction sparked speculation about a potential thaw in relations between the Biden and Trump families, despite their political differences. 这次活动也标志着特朗普自当选胜利以来首次在国际上露面, 也标志着吉尔拜登作为第一夫人的最后一次外国之行。 The event also marked Trump's first international appearance since his election victory and Jill Biden's final foreign trip as First Lady.