新西兰采取战略性租赁,以提高基础设施筹资和绩效。 New Zealand adopts strategic leasing to enhance infrastructure funding and performance.
新西兰政府正在引进战略性租赁,以优化基础设施筹资,使各机构能够从私人业主那里租赁资产。 The New Zealand government is introducing strategic leasing to optimize infrastructure funding, allowing agencies to lease assets from private owners. 这种办法类似于公私伙伴关系,但不太复杂,目的是改进资产交付和业绩。 This approach, similar to public-private partnerships but less complex, aims to improve asset delivery and performance. 这是更广泛的基础设施举措的一部分,包括新的筹资和融资框架以及更新的公私伙伴关系准则,所有这些都旨在提高资金效益和有效利用纳税人资金。 It is part of broader infrastructure initiatives including a new Funding and Financing Framework and refreshed PPP guidelines, all aimed at better value for money and efficient use of taxpayer funds.