新西兰更新了公私伙伴关系框架,以改善基础设施质量并吸引私人投资。 New Zealand updates PPP framework to improve infrastructure quality and attract private investment.
新西兰政府已更新其公私伙伴关系框架,以吸引更多私人投资基础设施项目。 The New Zealand government has updated its Public-Private Partnership (PPP) framework to attract more private investment in infrastructure projects. 新战略旨在通过公平比较购买力平价投标与自交付项目,确保质量和结果的提高,而不仅仅是降低成本。 The new strategy aims to ensure better quality and outcomes, not just lower costs, by fairly comparing PPP bids with self-delivered projects. 它还提出了减少私人承包商风险的措施,并允许项目利用王室借贷融资。 It also introduces measures to reduce risks for private contractors and allows projects to use Crown borrowing for financing. 该框架力求增强项目成果并吸引国际专门知识。 The framework seeks to enhance project outcomes and attract international expertise.