Netflix的"怪物"系列 将描绘威斯康星州连环杀手Ed Gein的第三个赛季 主角是Charlie Hunnam。 Netflix's "Monster" series will depict Wisconsin serial killer Ed Gein in its third season, starring Charlie Hunnam.
Netflix的"怪物"系列 由Ryan Murphy创作 将关注威斯康星连环杀手Ed Gein 在第三个赛季 Netflix's "Monster" series, created by Ryan Murphy, will focus on Wisconsin serial killer Ed Gein in its third season. 盖因,以令人振奋的电影闻名 诸如"沉默的羔羊"和"Psycho", 于1950年代犯下罪行。 Gein, known for inspiring films like "Silence of the Lambs" and "Psycho," committed crimes in the 1950s. Charlie Hunnam将描绘Gein, Laurie Metcalf是他的妈妈。 Charlie Hunnam will portray Gein, with Laurie Metcalf as his mother. Gein供认杀害两个人,但据信又杀害了更多的人。 Gein confessed to killing two people but is believed to have killed more. 他还挖掘了坟墓,并将身体部位用作奖杯。 He also exhumed graves and used body parts as trophies. 亨南(Hunnam)作为盖恩(Gein)的制作照片已经发布。 Production photos of Hunnam as Gein have already been released.