Charlie Hunnam在Netflix的《怪物》第3季扮演Ed Gein, 从10月份开始拍摄。 Charlie Hunnam to play Ed Gein in Netflix's "Monster" Season 3, starting filming in October.
查理·汉南将在Netflix真实犯罪系列"怪物"的第三季中扮演臭名昭著的盗墓者和疑似连环杀手埃德·盖恩. Charlie Hunnam will star as infamous grave robber and suspected serial killer Ed Gein in the third season of Netflix's true crime anthology series "Monster." 拍摄始于十月。 Filming begins in October. 联合创作者瑞恩·墨菲在第 2 季的宣传活动中宣布了这一选角,该季由梅嫩德斯兄弟主演。 Co-creator Ryan Murphy announced this casting during a promotional event for Season 2, which features the Menendez Brothers. Gein1957年因谋杀和在威斯康星州挖尸检验而被捕 因为他的恐怖行动而臭名昭著 Gein, arrested in 1957 for murder and body exhumation in Wisconsin, became notorious for his gruesome actions.