拉各斯项目协调员强调传统统治者在打击性别暴力中的作用。 Lagos project coordinator emphasizes role of traditional rulers in fighting gender-based violence.
拉各斯州法治和反腐败方案项目协调员Ajibola Ijimakinwa强调了传统统治者在打击性暴力和基于性别的暴力行为方面的重要性。 The Lagos State Project Coordinator for the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Programme (RoLAC), Ajibola Ijimakinwa, highlighted the importance of traditional rulers in combating sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). 拉加共同体计划让拉各斯各地16名传统统治者参与,以促进性别平等和遏制暴力。 RoLAC plans to engage 16 traditional rulers across Lagos to promote gender equality and discourage violence. 该倡议旨在将提高认识的努力扩大到当地社区,传统领导人被视为变革的主要倡导者。 The initiative aims to extend awareness efforts to local communities, with traditional leaders seen as key advocates for change.