尼日利亚州长的妻子承诺打击性别暴力,倡导带薪产假。 Nigerian governors' wives pledge to combat gender violence and advocate for paid maternity leave.
尼日利亚州长的妻子们承诺打击性暴力和基于性别的暴力,并倡导在所有州实行为期六个月的带薪产假政策。 The wives of Nigeria's governors have pledged to fight sexual and gender-based violence and advocate for a six-month paid maternity leave policy across all states. 他们还支持HPV疫苗,以保护女孩的健康,并赞同全球疫苗和免疫联盟的加维倡议。 They also support the HPV vaccine to protect girls' health and endorsed the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization's Gavi Initiative. 这些承诺是在最近在阿巴卡利基举行的一次务虚会上作出的,23位第一夫人参加了务虚会。 The commitments were made during a recent retreat in Abakaliki, attended by 23 First Ladies.