"我是名人"决赛的观众 面对早期审判揭露 和竞争者选择的强烈反弹 "I'm A Celebrity" finale faced viewer backlash over early trial reveal and contestant choices.
"我是名人 带我离开这儿"的决赛 The finale of "I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!" 看到一个失误提前揭示了审判结果,在剧集结束前展示了科琳·鲁尼、丹尼·琼斯和理查德·科尔斯牧师喝酒。 saw a slip-up reveal the trial results early, showing Coleen Rooney, Danny Jones, and Reverend Richard Coles with their drinks before the episode concluded. 粉丝们批评科尔斯的小屋馅饼和虾鸡尾酒晚餐选择,批评鲁尼独特的意大利面吃技巧。 Fans criticized Coles for his cottage pie and prawn cocktail dinner choices and Rooney for her unique spaghetti eating technique. Bushtucker最后的审判《恐怖的陶瓷》涉及蛇, 并让三重奏联手收集星星来参加盛宴。 The final Bushtucker trial, "Towers of Terror," involved snakes and had the trio working together to collect stars for a feast. 尽管一些观众对节目的格式和时间安排的改变感到沮丧,但参赛者还是成功地完成了审判。 Despite some viewer frustration over the show's format and scheduling changes, the contestants successfully completed the trial.