ITV节目“我是一个名人”, 面对70起宗教笑话的投诉, ITV show "I'm A Celebrity" faces 70 complaints over religious jokes at a reverend's expense.
ITV的真人秀“我是名人,带我离开这里!” ITV's reality show "I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!" Ofcom共收到70起投诉, 指控主机Ant McPartlin和Declan Donnelly嘲笑Richard Coles牧师, 提及他的基督教信仰, has received 70 complaints to Ofcom over jokes made by hosts Ant McPartlin and Declan Donnelly about Reverend Richard Coles, touching on his Christian faith and involving mock prayers and religious puns. 该节目继续吸引观众和争议,包括讨论参赛者的个人生活和关系。 The show continues to draw viewers and controversy, including discussions on contestants' personal lives and relationships.