卡内基的一栋房屋火灾造成一人受伤,在一小时内被控制住,原因至今不明。 A house fire in Carnegie injured one person and was contained within an hour, with the cause still unknown.
星期日下午5时18分,在林肯大道500个街区,Allegheny县卡内基发生了一起房屋火灾,一名被送往医院的人受伤。 A house fire occurred in Carnegie, Allegheny County, on Sunday at 5:18 p.m. in the 500 block of Lincoln Avenue, injuring one person who was taken to the hospital. 紧急服务被叫来,下午6时火灾被控制住,尽管原因仍然不明。 Emergency services were called, and the fire was contained by 6 p.m., though the cause remains unknown. 预计一旦获得更多详情,将予提供。 More details are expected as they become available.