Hayward调查了该年的第14起凶杀案;在工业大道附近发现有人被枪杀。 Hayward investigates 14th homicide of the year; man found shot near Industrial Boulevard.
海沃德警方正在调查该市今年第14起凶杀案 一个男子在星期六晚上在工业大道附近被枪杀 Police in Hayward are investigating the city's 14th homicide of the year, after a man was found shot on Saturday night near Industrial Boulevard. 警官们在晚上11时45分左右作出反应,将受害者送往医院,他在那里死亡。 Officers responded around 11:45 p.m. and took the victim to a hospital, where he died. 当局与受害人的近亲联系后,受害人的身份仍未公布。 The victim's identity has not been released as authorities contact his next of kin. 尚未发现任何嫌疑人,Navas警探正在(510) 293-7176处寻找情报。 No suspects have been found, and Detective Navas is seeking information at (510) 293-7176.