希腊2024年航运奖授予20名在金融、安全和可持续性方面成就的获奖者。 Greek Shipping Awards 2024 honored 20 winners for achievements in finance, safety, and sustainability.
12月6日在雅典举行的Lloyd's List希腊航运奖2024,庆祝了全球海运业的成就。 The Lloyd's List Greek Shipping Awards 2024, held in Athens on December 6, celebrated achievements in the global maritime industry. 这次活动表彰了20名各类获奖者,包括年度金融航运公司、年度海员和下一代航运奖。 The event honored 20 winners across various categories, including Shipping Financier of the Year, Seafarer of the Year, and Next Generation Shipping Award. 这些奖项表彰了金融、安全和可持续性等领域的杰出贡献,突出显示了航运部门的重大成就。 The awards recognized outstanding contributions in areas like finance, safety, and sustainability, highlighting significant accomplishments in the shipping sector.