前总统特朗普呼吁俄罗斯和乌克兰停火,俄罗斯则表示对谈判持开放态度。 Former President Trump calls for Russia-Ukraine ceasefire, Russia signals openness to talks.
Donald Trump呼吁俄罗斯和乌克兰之间停火,敦促俄罗斯在叙利亚局势稳定后通过谈判实现和平。 DonaldTrump has called for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, urging Russia to negotiate peace after the situation in Syria stabilizes. 俄罗斯作出了积极反应,表示愿意参加谈判。 Russia has responded positively, indicating a willingness to engage in talks. 这一事态发展是在乌克兰持续发生冲突的情况下发生的。 This development comes amid ongoing conflict in Ukraine.