尤金消防员与严重的房屋火灾交战;一名居民逃跑,另一名重伤。 Eugene firefighters battled a severe house fire; one resident escaped, another critically injured.
12月8日,尤金的消防员在13号大道和巴克街的一所房屋发生严重火灾,在建筑物前后面发现了大量的火焰. On December 8, firefighters in Eugene responded to a severe house fire at 13th Ave and Buck Street, finding significant flames at both the front and rear of the building. 一名居民逃跑,另一名则受重伤,被送往医院。 One resident escaped, while another suffered critical injuries and was transported to the hospital. 消防员使用两边的水管线来对抗火力。 Firefighters used hose lines from both sides to battle the fire. 受伤居民的身体状况仍然危急。 The injured resident's condition remains critical.