德里法院清理了CBI贿赂案中的两名警察副检查员,并列举了证据上的缺陷。 Delhi court clears two police sub-inspectors in a CBI bribery case, citing flaws in evidence.
德里法院在中央调查局(CBI)提出的一宗贿赂案件中宣告两名德里警察副检查员无罪。 A Delhi court has acquitted two Delhi police sub-inspectors in a bribery case filed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). 法院注意到检方的案情有重大缺陷,对证人的可信度提出质疑,而且没有关键的闭路电视录像。 The court noted significant flaws in the prosecution's case, questioning the credibility of witnesses and the absence of crucial CCTV footage. 案件指称,这些警官索要25万卢比的贿赂,以避免在另一起案件中牵连到两个人。 The case alleged that the officers demanded a bribe of Rs 25 lakhs to avoid implicating two individuals in another case.