名人厨师Somer Sivrigoglu因2022年餐厅墙倒塌造成一人死亡,被判处五年以上徒刑。 Celebrity chef Somer Sivrioglu sentenced to over five years for 2022 restaurant wall collapse that killed one.
土耳其-澳大利亚名人厨师Somer Sivriglu因主办土耳其厨师总会而闻名并拥有悉尼的Efendy餐厅,因伊斯坦布尔餐厅2022年墙壁坍塌造成一人死亡、另一人受伤,被判处五年以上徒刑。 Turkish-Australian celebrity chef Somer Sivrioglu, known for hosting MasterChef Turkey and owning Sydney's Efendy restaurant, has been sentenced to over five years in prison for a 2022 wall collapse at his Istanbul restaurant that killed one person and injured another. 该事件导致他因“因疏忽造成伤亡”被定罪。 The incident led to his conviction for "causing death and injury by negligence." Sivriglu计划对决定提出上诉。 Sivrioglu plans to appeal the decision.