Alstom将另外提供35辆RER NG列车到法国,以改善乘客的舒适程度。 Alstom to supply 35 additional RER NG trains to Île-de-France for improved passenger comfort.
Alstom SA已接到命令,为法国环-德法州RER E线再提供35辆RER NG列车,加上以前的订单,使总列车总数达到166辆。 Alstom SA has been ordered to supply 35 more RER NG trains for the RER E line in the Île-de-France region, adding to a previous order and bringing the total to 166. 5.2亿欧元的合同旨在通过提供空调和USB插座等功能,提高乘客的舒适度和无障碍程度。 The €520 million contract aims to boost passenger comfort and accessibility by offering features like air conditioning and USB sockets. 这些火车正在法国上游集结,法国的多个阿尔斯托姆站点也提供了捐助。 The trains are being assembled in Hauts-de-France, with contributions from multiple Alstom sites in France.