Alstom赢得了五千万美元合同, 以更新181 GO 交通铁路汽车, 增加舒适度和工作。 Alstom wins $500M contract to modernize 181 GO Transit rail cars, boosting comfort and jobs.
Alstom公司与Metallinx公司签订了一项价值5亿美元的合同,将181辆双级铁路汽车现代化,用于加拿大安大略省的GO Transport。 Alstom has secured a $500 million contract with Metrolinx to modernize 181 bi-level rail cars for GO Transit in Ontario, Canada. 这些升级,包括USB港口、节能照明和无障碍厕所,将从2026年开始在Alstom的桑德湾设施进行,在2030年之前支助大约250个工作岗位。 The upgrades, which include USB ports, energy-efficient lighting, and accessible restrooms, will take place at Alstom's Thunder Bay facility starting in 2026, supporting about 250 jobs until 2030. 该项目旨在改善乘客的舒适度,并支持GO Transport的扩展目标。 This project aims to improve passenger comfort and support GO Transit's expansion goals.