印度北方邦用反射带标记公牛,以减少夜间高速公路事故。 Uttar Pradesh, India, tags bulls with reflective strips to reduce nighttime highway accidents.
在印度北方邦,政府启动了一个项目,通过将荧光反射带挂在脖子和角上,减少涉及流浪公牛的夜间高速公路事故。 In Uttar Pradesh, India, the government has started a project to reduce nighttime highway accidents involving stray bulls by attaching fluorescent reflective strips to their necks and horns. 大约450头公牛在三条主要高速公路上贴上标签,使司机在夜间更能看见这些公牛。 Around 450 bulls have been tagged along three major highways, making them more visible to drivers at night. 该倡议费用为每头公牛400元,旨在拯救生命,尽管支持其有效性的数据尚未确定。 The initiative, which costs ₹400 per bull, aims to save lives, though data supporting its effectiveness is pending.