代顿星期六发生两起火灾,一起在车库,另一起在两层公寓大楼。 Two fires broke out in Dayton Saturday, one in a garage and another at a two-story apartment building.
星期六下午,在代顿的E.第三街和S.Irwin街交叉口发生车库火灾。 On Saturday afternoon, a garage fire broke out at the intersection of E. Third Street and S. Irwin Street in Dayton. 代顿消防员在下午4时左右作出反应,发现浓烟和火焰。 Dayton firefighters responded around 4 p.m. to find heavy smoke and flames. 火灾的起因正在调查之中。 The cause of the fire is under investigation. 另外,周六上午9时左右,McCabe大道一栋两层楼的公寓开始起火,许多消防人员负责控制大火和保护附近的建筑物。 Separately, a fire at a two-story apartment building on McCabe Avenue began around 9 a.m. on Saturday, with multiple fire crews working to control the blaze and protect nearby buildings.