TIPNG批评巴布亚新几内亚政府未经适当审查就批准一个大型林业项目。 TIPNG criticizes PNG government for approving a large-scale forestry project without proper scrutiny.
透明国际巴布亚新几内亚(TIPNG)批评政府批准西部省的大规模林业项目, Transparency International Papua New Guinea (TIPNG) criticized the government for approving a large-scale forestry project in Western Province without proper due diligence. 该项目得到澳大利亚校长的支持,估计有48亿克里米亚,涉及建造600公里的道路和清除一些森林。 The project, backed by Australian principals and estimated at 4.8 billion kina, involves building 600 kilometers of roads and removing some forestry. 尽管对环境影响和透明度存在关切,但詹姆斯·马拉佩总理赞同这一项目。 Despite concerns over environmental impact and transparency, Prime Minister James Marape endorsed the project. 过渡政府警告说,治理情况恶化,公众对政府机构的信任程度下降。 TIPNG warns of deteriorating governance and eroding public trust in government institutions.