三名年轻人在Conjola湖附近的Prins公路正面碰撞中受伤。 Three young people were injured in a head-on collision on the Princes Highway near Lake Conjola.
周日下午 2 点左右,三名 20 多岁的人在阿勒达拉以北康乔拉湖附近的王子高速公路上发生正面碰撞受伤。 Three individuals in their 20s were injured in a head-on collision on the Princes Highway near Lake Conjola, north of Ulladulla, on Sunday around 2 PM. 急救服务治疗了受害者,其中一人被空运到圣乔治医院,其他人被送往Wolloongong和Shoalhaven医院。 Emergency services treated the victims, with one being airlifted to St George Hospital and the others taken to Wollongong and Shoalhaven hospitals. 高速公路双向关闭,当局建议驾驶汽车的人使用替代路线。 The highway was closed in both directions, and authorities advised motorists to use alternative routes.