泰勒·斯威夫特的演唱会之旅促进了美国经济, 创造了数十亿美元, Taylor Swift's concert tour boosted the U.S. economy, generating billions and spotlighting a fan with autism.
泰勒·斯威夫特结束的音乐会巡演极大地促进了美国和全球经济,为她的亿万富翁地位作出了贡献。 Taylor Swift's concluded concert tour significantly boosted the US and global economy, contributing to her billionaire status. 在新奥尔良的旅游最后表演中, 特别包括一位自闭症的年轻粉丝, 突出显示了自闭症对个人的影响。 The tour's final performance in New Orleans notably included a young fan with autism, highlighting its personal impacts. 一系列音乐会通过门票销售和商品、推动经济增长以及在各个城市创造就业机会,创造了大量收入。 The series of concerts generated substantial revenue through ticket sales and merchandise, driving economic growth and creating job opportunities across various cities.