泰勒·斯威夫特在多伦多举行的音乐会预测了282M美元的经济影响,吸引了240K粉丝,产生了152M美元的直接开支。 Taylor Swift's Toronto concerts project a $282M economic impact, attracting 240K fans and generating $152M in direct spending.
据多伦多目的地报导, 泰勒·斯威夫特11月14日至23日在多伦多举行的六场音乐会预计将产生2.82亿美元的经济影响, Taylor Swift's six concerts in Toronto from November 14 to 23 are projected to generate a $282 million economic impact, according to Destination Toronto. 预计这些活动将吸引约240 000名粉丝,导致1.52亿美元直接用于地方服务,政府税收近4 000万美元。 The events are expected to attract around 240,000 fans, leading to $152 million in direct spending on local services, with nearly $40 million in tax revenue for the government. 这一估计数不包括音乐会机票和机票费用,因为预计这些费用不会使当地经济受益。 This estimate excludes concert ticket and airfare costs, which are not expected to benefit the local economy.